Present vs Past

She looked back down the bay,
waiting for that familiar face
To reach where she stands one day,
To her, it all seems like a race

She watches as the girl stumbled through her way,
Never staying down for long
But she continued on, as if it were all a play
Singing out her life song.

But she took a terrible fall,
She looked so broken,
She looked as fragile as a porcelain doll,
No cry of help spoken

She just laid their in that spot,
refusing to move,
her stomach forming a knot
What was she trying to prove?

Years past as she fell deeper into her hole,
Never once getting help from another,
All she wanted was someone to come and console
Yet no one came, not even her mother.

She eventually learned to stand on her own two feet,
Building a wall around her heart.
She used to be so sweet,
But now, she is so tart.

As the two met that fateful day,
the older of the two reached up and stroked the other's face
What happened to me she says
pulling her to her own secret place

She would be safe there
She would be protected from the cruelty of the world
From the people who are so unfair
that just leave her heart to be hurled

So she goes to protect the younger her,
Blocking her from each blast
Which would you prefer?
But she should learn to just forget the past