And I'd trade places with that envious moon

Invitation to this white dress affair,
its a little to late to prove the symbolism there,
with innocence stripped down to the core,
and it all started with kissing on your floor.

A hand can lead to the wildest of things,

the taste of liquor has never been such a need.
You can try and think clearly with a fogged up mind,
try and tell him no, but its over with in no time.

As my white dress turns black with soot,
tears of sin remind me of the you,
before the night I had to say goodbye,
before the night I left childish things behind.

No-it never matters how hard you try,
things like this are a shadow of shame you learn to live with in time.

A hand can lead to the wildest of things,

the taste of liquor has never been such a need.

You can try and think clearly with a fogged up mind,

try and tell him no, but its over with in no time.

Invitation to this white dress affair,
blinking at the brilliance of girls whom seem so fair,
Cruelty plays such mean games,
if only things could go back to being the same.