
Can you see me,
Or am I still miss Invisable,
Rember how you shunned me,
Well now you stand wheeping,
Wheeping before my grave.

When you called me those names,
Thats when I caved,
I carved my apologies into my arms,
And into my legs.
Now you watche me leave,
Going into my grave.

My life I lead wasn't to great,
I wasn't what you wished.
Well you happy now?
I am out of your hair,
Out of your life.
You can pay attention to him,
While I rest in peace in my grave.

I said my goodbyes,
You didn't belive me.
Well do you belive me now?
Now that I am dead.
Yes I do regret,
But I also don't.

I am sorry,
I wasn't what you wanted.
I was a mistake.
So I say goodbye...