He Loves me, He Loves Me Not.

He loves me, he probably does love me.
He loves me not, i just don't now how much.
He loves me, i dont know if i love him back.
He loves me not, it may be too soon to determine.
He loves me, he loves me he says it all the time.
He loves me not, i dont say it back, i'll say it when i'm ready.
He loves me, i know he'll wait
He loves me not, he doesn't have to wait much longer.
He loves me, i think i love him back
He loves me not, it may just be the sparkle, that i see in his eyes.
He loves me, maybe its the shiver, that quickly runs down my spine when he walks by.
He loves me, in his embrace, i slowly take in his scent, i'm charmed by his aroma.