The Room...

I'm standing in a room.

No windows, no doors, no way of light

No communication with the other side

Its dark and cold,

Nothing much I can really do.

I'm feeling lost

I'm feeling confused

I don't know what to do.

I have no way of communicating,

I'm stuck in this room with nothing to do.

I lean to hear

To see what's on the other side

All I can hear is voices of people.

People calling out my name

For help, for guidance, for friendship,

For love.

Why can't I find my way out,

Out of this misery this pain I feel.

I want to help you guys, I want to give you love, I want to give friendship.

I have to fix myself 1st before,

I share myself with you.

Down on my knees

I'm crying

I'm praying

I repent

I ask

I hear a voice, and see a bright light,

Knowing that god never leaves me alone

I know he can help me break these 4 walls that keep me down.

My walls are gone,

And I am on the other side

I feel free,

I feel love,

I feel the peace,

And I feel better than ever, like I've never felt before.