A cracking heart,
Slowly but surely,
Alone in the dark,
I'll cry tonight,
For you and you alone.
For how stupid I was, and for my mistake.

All I did was walk away.
I had to,
What was I to do?
Jump in your car with you?
No, I couldn't, because you live to far from me, and you were going home.

I pretended you weren't the one,
Jealousy and rumors had got to me.

So as I climbed into your car, I gave a hug, to your siblings and wore a smile near to far.
But when it your turn to hug, even though I wanted to all along, I smiled,was brave, waved and laughed some too, then I stopped waving when someone was talking to you.

You took my hand, in yours and smiled, my heart stopped beating and my mind went numb.
and I thought please love me too. You wound your fingers inbetween mine, and held on tight for the last time.

After all was done, and good-byes were made your car backed off and drove away.

Now you've moved, even farther, not my heart aches so much longer.

A cracking heart,
Slowly but surely,
Alone in the dark,
I'll cry tonight,
For you and you alone.
For how stupid I was, and for my mistake.

Alone I cry.
And for years to come,
I'll wait to hear I love you.