Will You Believe Me?

The distance is too great.
We're waiting on agony.
We're hoping for escape.

The wings are breaking
a dust wind of crushed feathers;
dirty white

A haze of sun ray
blinding sights
sweat drenched back
waiting for a sign

I will disappear
You will disappear
Its not great to hang on
for too long
nothing will be there
to hold on

You're slipping away
farther away
I can't get a hold of you
No, this can't be happening.
(this can't be happening)

There's a change in the weather
the clouds are a drifting
a storm is rolling in
The rain is breaking us further apart.
Your hands are too slippery
I can't hold tight

Will you cry
if i disappear?
i know I will, if you did.
Would you trust me enough, to let go
will you believe me, if I said
I'll be waiting for you
to catch me.