
Death is Cruel
Death is unfair
Death is sadness
Death is the end
Why do we worry about death?

I really don't know
death may be unfair
may be cruel
also can be very sad
but it's not the end

Death is no end
Death is just a new begginig
Death is just another path we take
Death is the other life we'll go through some day.

Death is the start of a new life
don't know why people fear death
I don't,
'cause I know it means no harm
'cause I know it can be a good thing
'cause I Know it's something new

Something I haven't experienced before
Death is just the start of something
not the end
that is why I don't worry
and I don't mind

I'll perish when the time had come
The time to a new live
maybe better
maybe worst
I don't mind.