Hello. My name is.

It's just so hard,
Trying to fit in these days.
With the nasty things,
That people say,
Bring me down.
Into a hole that I...
Cannot escape.
Living was so easy,
Before this time had come.
Now I feel like,
I can barely breathe.
The standards highered,
Makes it hard to be,
The person I am inside.
No words leave my mouth,
As they label me,
With a shotgun in their hand.
It seems like forever,
Can't they just pull the trigger?
What they say,
I do not care.
But the anger rises inside.
Naming me, without knowing me,
What a shame.
Words scrambing inside my head,
I keep the exit shut.
Sinking down to ther level,
Will not be me.
Instead I'll cry,
Home and alone.
Where no on sees me,
The hurting girl inside.