
We sat silently.
with the moons glow
shining down upon us.
Her ocean
eyes sparkled
and her ivory skin
beamed in the night
while mine
within the shadows.

The waves were
getting closer
and the sand
beneath my feet
would soon feel
like mud.

But she was so quiet.
I wondered if something was wrong.
Her touch
felt so cold
and distant
compare to the warmth
it always brought.

Was it me, I asked myself?
Did i do something bad
to deserve this silence?

She would always stare
blankly at the sky, smiling.
but there was no beautiful curve
on that tempting mouth this time.
she just stood there
with her hands on her knees
staring straight ahead
with an expressionless face.

Was she thinking of him
i thought.
that man that brought
many misfortunes to my family
and to our relationship?
Could she
be feeling guilty
for coming here with me?
If she was
i wish she would tell me
instead of only giving me
the sound of the waves
to listen to.

I would never
want her to feel
to a place she doesn't want to be in.
i wouldn't want her to feel
miserably alone without hope.
I couldn't be like her, so graceful
like the wind.
I was more like a shaken hive of bees.

"Do you love me?" I asked
with a voice as quiet as a mouse.

"Yes." she replied
with her eyes
on the now
wet sand.

"Look me in the eyes then. And tell me that."