i am...

I am a Strong Daydreamer.
I wonder how little things make the world go 'round.
I hear my Heart pounding, beating at my chest.
I want to Dream like no one has ever Dreamed before.
I am a Strong Daydreamer.

I pretend like i am the strong one who never gets emotionally hurt.
I feel lonley, maybe even sad.
I touch the skin laid upon my Heart.
I worry that it is shattered.
I cry because i can never know if it really is.

I understand; some people arent that strong.
I say anyone can be strong, if they only try.
I Dream about falling in Love one day.
I try to hold my Heart and head up high to show that i am not afraid.
I hope i have some Faith in myself.
I am a Strong Daydreamer.