Suppose to be...

Love is suppose to be a bond between two people.
Unbreakable; even when feeble.

Hate is suppose to be full of regrets.
Painful; telling one no secrets.

Love and Hate combined is a contradiction.
The physical pain has become an addiction.
And your life turns into a big affliction.
All because of that one contradiction.

Love is a dream
one that makes you scream.
The face in the mirrior does not gleam.
Her blood has joined with black stream.
And her body turns to cream
as the tears stream

Hate comes frome one to despise
Simply because she's the one who lies
And pain fills her eyes
as she wishes she would die
And he makes her shy
makes her blood boil and fry
All because of that one guy
who made her wish that she would die.

Pools and pools of hopeless tears
wash away your dreadful fears
And the loud horror scream makes you cover your ears
We wil lie here for years and years.

Fools and jokers and booze and men
all just gather again and again
He injected the ink with a ball poin pen
told his story to Ben and Jen
And what comes out of this then?
Just a bloody ball poin pen.