Sweet Dreams

The knife gleams with prospect in my hand
Euphoria fills me just thinking of the plan
I close my eyes awaiting ecstacy-
To forever be numb, I choose my destiny.

I keel over with a sudden qualm
It's exceedingly harder to try to stay calm
As waves of anxiety and apprehension
Cloud my reason and comprehension
I look around just to see night
I grab for something and grip on tight
But it's a hallucination, I can't hold on
It slips from my hands. This is all so wrong.
The situation, the recurring thoughts
I've lost my mind, but that's all I've got
As I'm losing everything else I once held dear
I grab my blade and shed a crimson tear
I just can't do it, i'm an optimistic soul
Losing my faith but still trying to hope
Because It's just too much to finally let go
After wasting a life of living just so

I close my eyes, my sheets tainted with scarlet streams
I'll wake up in the morning, but for now sweet dreams