The Innocence and Perfection of a Scream

The innocence comes first,
Always making things seem fine,
Everything goes ok,
And things go the way you plan,
Things even out and things fall into place,
Perfection comes in,
And life seems like a never ending dream,
Dreams that are fantasies,
Dreams that go on until the end,
When the terror comes along,
Ending the fantasies,
Waking you up to reality,
To discover that perfection isn't real,
The innocence was fake and a lie,
Things go the wrong way,
And making a nightmare take place of the dream,
Running away comes easy,
But staying away is the hard part,
Staring at the fear and knowing it will be there forever,
The fear takes over in the nightmare,
And you wake up screaming,
And fall asleep crying,
The innocence leads to perfection,
Perfection leads to fantasies,
Fantasies lead to dreams,
And dreams turn to nightmares,
Perfecting that innocent scream,
Screams that go on forever ,
That never end because of them,
Trying to forget is so hard,
When they're carved in your arm,
This nightmare doesnt end though,
Waking up is the nightmare,
And escaping it is impossible with out a scream