When the Lies of Truth Come Out

they say everything will be ok
they say they'll be with you forever
they say they'll always be there for you
but those lies come and go every day
the lies that make your life something real
the lies that they make to try a make your life a reality
the world never sleeps with out a lie everyday
they disieve you till the end
they make you believe in them for one reason
its your life line for a hope in life
they make it good enough for you to keep forever
something that you'll need to live
the lies that they make to keep you alive
your souls live in the lies of others
your heart is filled with lies from the ones that say they're your lover
your mind is infested with things that enter but stay for safety
the lies that need a place
the lies that will stay with you for their own sake
they keep you from living a real reality
as your life goes on in the lies
nothing becomes something and everything becomes nothing
making you think more about the truth
truth, the thing that will keep you away
but push you towards the reality of fate
truth that makes you cry
makes you smile
makes your life the murder nightmare at night
or makes your life the dream of your life
it makes you realize what everybody meant
it makes you realize how to live
it makes you realize that your not alone in the world
the people alone and lied to
the people like you
who live a lie but let fate take them any where
the truth that makes their life real
that makes them live a reality with out
the lies
but with the truth
let fate take them
and let the things that need to come
the tears that flow
the smile that threatens on your lips
the scream in your throat
the running your legs hold back to go
the world will hold you back
but it will let you live too
the people who try and make it better
when nothing will go right
are the liars who make this happen
the torture in your heart
the tension in your muscles
the emptiness in your soul in the end
is the life your threatening yourself to live
when the lies of truth come out