For You and Only You

the secret was all i held
apart from you i kept it for all i had
promising i didnt when i did
and letting my heart break
and tears fall
but kept a smile on my face
as i heard you talk about someone else

sitting at the side lines
i watched my dreams fly by me
the wishes i wanted to come true
but they were never granted
as i watched your smile everyday
just to see it for someone else broke my heart
but i kept the smile and laugh go on

words were spoken but i never thought it would happen
the secret was spread
and even as i didnt notice it
the wishes and dreams were being granted right before my eyes

the words i never thought
came right from your lips
the lips i dreamed of kissing every night
granted my wish with the words
and the fake smile became real
for you and only you

no secrets were left
every word i spoke was the truth
the three words came from your lips
and my heart was mended back together
never to be thought of being broken again...

the touch of your hand on mine
made me tingle
your arms wrapping around me
made me want to hold onto you and never let go
your lips on my cheek...then my lips...
made every butterfly in my stomach flutter
every thought in my mind be on you
my wish was granted and you were mine...

trusting you with my heart
letting you decide for me
heartbrake or love...
always thinking love
i never thought a nightmare of thoughts could come hurt me

hearing your voice speak more words
your voice becomes soft...vulnerable and guilty
in the feeling that something is wrong
you deny it but i can see it
i crave for your smile again
then more words and my heart stops...

breaking my heart is easy
fragile and light it is
anyone who holds it can brake it...
i never thought you'd be the one to...

you still say you love me
you still say you want me
you still say i want your smile i want your happiness
but every other word is breaking my heart

your tears and sobs over the line make my crying worse...
blood shot eyes and salty tears caress my cheek
for you and only you
your the one boy who can make me smile no matter what
but your the only boy who can brake my heart like that
and still keep me wanting you

your lips on mine i craved
your arms wrapped around me i needed
your smile pointing at me i wanted
and the only tears i see is for happiness

confused and lost
in thought and confusion
i think it through
but your words still pierce me
thinking of a life with out you...
tears me apart inside thinking about it

vulnerable and helpless i become
as i hear your tears and helpless-ness
you as confused as i am
but still can say you dont know
as the one who loves you brakes down
for you and only you

like i always dreamnt of
only the nightmare of it came true too
the night time is beautiful
but the sunshine doesnt stay
and nothing is predictable any more
i only wish to see the light of day again...
to be able to see your smile...
to feel your arms around me...
to have your lips on mine...
the only thing that can keep me smiling is you
but you broke my heart instead
and left the pieces there
not sure of what to do

to dream is always good
to believe in wishes
but to live it all and not know whats next...
thats the part everybody hates...

to bring me back to life
to make me smile
to reasure me of everything
protect me
love me
stay there forever...
thats the only wish i have now...