My Heart Blames You

-No matter what I do
-Nothing is ever good enough for you
-I'll never fit your standards
-Never be your perfect child
-Why don't you just give up already
-I'm not gonna change for you

-You say I've changed so much
-But all I've done is remain the same
-Did you ever think that maybe it's you
-Maybe your the one to blame

-That your the one who made my happiness seise
-Now all I feel is stress, and guilt
-Life used to be so easy
-When did it all become so hard
-Since I've remained the same kid at heart

-The little girl who used to play dressup
-Would now rather be alone
-Consumed in her endless thoughts
-Trying to ignore how brightly you once shone

-You used to be my hero
-Now I'm not so sure
-You used to be my comfort
-My friend

-But now every time I try to talk to you
-My heart begins to bend
-Like I'm not even there
-You push me away
-When are you going to get over the fact
-I'm not going anywhere
-That me and my stubborn ways are here to stay

-But then you have your moments
-Where I see nothing but light
-It's like nothing you say matters
-My mind and heart are content
-And I realize no matter what you do
-You still shine bright

(sorry it's so long, i had alot to vent)