Best Friends... Not

Where have you been?
Can't you see I've been suffering without you?
You said you'd always be there for me,
Good times and bad.

I've seen days as bad as this one,
But the day you never talked to me was the worst.
I don't get what kind of best friend you are,
You haven't been there for me.

I feel like you've been obliged to talk to me.
I know you haven't.
You've only said one word to me.
I hate you.

I've had my heart broken,
Where were you?
I've had my loved ones die
Where were you?
I finally had my first kiss,
Where the fuck were you?

We had so much in common,
But more important things have come up for you!
Like the computer,
The television,
No time for your best friend.

You know every little secret from me,
You know everything,
Then you just betray me.
How could you?

I hate your guts,
I hope you never come back,
For what you did to me,
I hope it hits you straight in the heart,
Maybe then, you'll know how if feels to be left alone.