You're Far Too Late

You made me believe you were the one
I was deceived
That's what I was thinking all the while

You left me in tears
I was deceived
I thought

You never even looked back at me
It felt like you didn't even care

But now . . .
Now, You come back after 5 years
And you tell me that you own me?!

What right do you have?
Who are you to me?
Who are you to suddenly own me?

I am owned by no one
I refuse to feel the same pain again!
I don't need YOU
Don't suddenly disappear then appear
and tell me you love me

It took me 9 years to confess to you
I confessed
You left
5 YEARS of pain!
You never gave me your reply.

Don't tell me you love me
Don't let me go through the same pain again
Leave NOW and don't come back

I REFUSE to succumb to your lies!