An Angels' Smile

You are a BASTARD! I HATED you. YOU are the enemy of ALL women.
The playboy. The GIANT THORN in my life.
Your smile. It was bright. Beautiful.
Every day, I unconsciously tried hard, always, always.
Just to see YOU smile.

Your stare, it made me want to melt.
Your eyes staring at mine.
I could not shake it off.
It was extremely hard, but I just had to try, and I did it.
I'm sad.
I ran from your stare.

You are not mine.
Stop looking at me like that. Please stop.
It makes me want to keep you, be with you, hold you...
STOP IT! Stop it...

I'm begging you...

My knees are weak, and I see myself crying on the floor.
I regret running from you.

You are not mine.
I wanted you.
No, I WANT you, but I was afraid.
Afraid of the consequences that I had to face.

I'm not strong enough.
Not strong enough, not strong enough,
Not strong enough to fight.

I NEVER was.
And I needed you to tell me that everything is going to be okay
But you didn't utter a word