Pondering A Purpose

As I lie down on the hard surface,
I begin to ponder over what exactly is my purpose.
I toss and turn thinking it over,
Like plucking the leaves off a four leaf clover.
It runs through my mind like a silver screen,
But I can’t figure out exactly what it means.
To live in a world so complicated and bland,
To live in a world where all is controlled by man.
The inferiority can pulse through one’s veins,
Knowing that they don’t have control over their own reins.
Wishing to go left, but forced to go right,
We plight that we will wage the fair fight.
So as human beings, robots, we trudge on,
All of us singing the same monotonous song.
There are a few of us that whistle a new tune,
But we’re shot down all too soon.
So, what is our purpose in this heavily controlled world?