
As my blurred vision gets clearer and clearer
I slowly see the people walking down the streets

"Hey!" I screamed, but no one, not one could hear me
As I moved closer and closer towards the strangers, I kept shouting; "Hey!Hey!"
But no one turned to me.

When I got far, I couldn't touch anyone
There was glass
Glass between me and them.

"Hey!Hey!Hey!" I screamed over and over again as I banged the glass door.
No one could hear me.
The glass would not break.

"Hey!" I screamed with all my might.
Thinking that no one Could hear me, I began to lose hope, but
Then, when I watched the strangers pass by.
You stood there, still, staring towards my direction.
You inched closer towards me.

You tapped the glass as you reached it and gave me a warm smile with a sweet "hello"
I tried to reach out to you and my hand passed through the unbreakable glass,
And you hugged me tightly
Not wanting to let go

I couldn't understand, but I was very blissful.
I'm very thankful that you found me.