My Magic Words

I hate it
I hate it
I hate it

These words make me feel better the more I say them
When I'm mad
When I'm sad

I want to blame someone, but it feels dirty
I know it's wrong
So I say these words to calm myself

I hate it

Why it feel's good to say, I do not know, but
Maybe, it's because I let my anger out
By telling myself the truth
Without having to be unfair
Thinking about who's fault it is

I could be fair
While telling myself the truth


The more I say it
The calmer I get
And honestly
The more I say it
The more I don't hate it

It's like a spell that tells me; "What's the point?"
I mean, If no one is to blame,
Is there really a problem?

Then, I realize that I should stand up
Do what I can
If I just sit here in the dark and cry, what would happen?

Nothing, that's what.

So, I have to move on and do what I can
And fix the problem

I will no longer cry.