Im sorry

Im sorry if i broke your heart,
You broke mine,
Sorry i screamed when your hands touched mine,
My intent wasn't bad when i held the gun,
Please don't looke at me like that.

I know you heard me scream,
When i pulled the triger i began to cry,
You shouldnt have been on the other end,
Why didnt you just move?
Why did you protect her?

Now that i realize what i did those years ago,
It haunts me to close my eyes,
It hurts me heart when i look at your photograph,
She sometimes calls my house,
Just to tell me what a bitch i was to shoot.

I visited you in the hospital,
You wouldnt have known,
The wound wasnt bad yet you still bled to death,
I still remember the day you died,

The flowers i placed on your grave were hand picked,
I cried as i picked each one,
You know i loved you,
It just hurt so much to see you with another,

I couldnt take the pain any longer,
I will only visit your grave one more time.

As i sit here running my hands over the engraved letters,
I silently cry,
The tears fall faster and harder as i put the barrel to my head,
My finger on the triger,
I sang our song before my finger pulled,

The gun fell from my hand,
My body fell infront of your grave,
My life over,
I will soon be with you forever,
I promised i would always love you,
And i will always.