
When the feelings are gone,
I cut myself so i have a feeling to focus on.
When it goes away,
I am left alone again.
No one cares about me,
So why should I care about myself?
My friends deserted me,
My family abandoned me.
Strangers spit in my direction.
What should I do?
I do the only thing I can do,
I sit in my room until the end of time,
Full of pain and loss.
My dear friend,
Please come rescue me from this hell.
Come rescue me before you forget about my existence.
Im waiting here for you,
All alone in this empty abyss.
Falling and falling,
Without hope.
Throw me a rope,
So I may catch it.
I see you at the ledge,
Just standing there.
You do nothing to help me,
Then pull out your rope.
Old and worn,
cut almost in half.
You throw it to me,
I catch it,
Then it snaps.
I continue falling,
Into my unavoidible death.