Love Never Discriminates

We never spoke
Yet you taunt me

You practically ignore me
Still you laugh at who I am

Your friends make jokes
You laugh along

My friends walk by
You look at them as if they’re nothing

Then one day
You came up to me

You invited me to go somewhere
I didn’t go

The next day you confront me
I roll my eyes and walk off

Your friends think you’re crazy
You begin to think so too

They become bigger jerks
Following you do so too

Then I see you sitting in font of my house
I grew angry

You see me and stand
Your eyes stay on the ground

I remind you where my eyes are
You still don’t look up

Then I ask you why you are the way you are
What you say is very simple

You say you fell in love with the emo chick
That’s when I begin to laugh

To me it’s a joke
Something very unreal

You say it’s not a joke
It seems like one to me

Then you kiss me
It feels so natural

I knew you were telling the truth
Yet I couldn’t believe it

A prep falling for an emo
It’s completely insane

Then I remember my curse
I back away

You look at me in confusion
Asking if I’m okay

I ignore you and run away
Forcing my tears away

I’m dimly aware that I’m being followed
Yet I barely care anymore

I run into an alley
You show moments later

At that moment I realize I was never meant to be alone
I was meant to be with you

You were who I always wanted
Although I barely knew it myself

So I guess it goes both ways
That s how it seems to me

The prep fell for the emo
The emo fell for the prep

It’s weird to think
It’s hard to see

Think about it twice and you’ll see
Love never discriminates