Anger's Rise and Fall

I feel the familiar anger
Rising up in me,

___________It screams for no mercy,
___________Demanding he not go free.

The bitterness that once gripped me,
Haunts me even now,

___________It craves brutal vengeance,
___________It craves to take him out.

My heart that once lay wounded,
Now fills itself with hate,

___________It cries out for his downfall,
___________It cries out for his sobs.

But I feel the forgotten love,
It’s pleading for attention,

___________It tells me to remember
___________That once he was my defender.

The hope that had gone hidden,
Resurfaces with a crown,

___________It whispers my nighttime wishes,
___________And tells me not to doubt.

I feel the forgiveness,
Rising up in me,

___________It screams for all mercy,
___________Demanding he go free.