I know what to do now

It never worked before
The whole facing your fears head on thing
It didn't help me none
I always looked like an Angel with a broken wing

I never thought blocking something would help
Cause I knew it would all still be there
But I was wrong about a wall
I just needed the pain not to seem there

He and she and we died one day
They left the other one
We all took a different way
But I still ended up alone

The one thing that scared me
Was to look at only a sea of me
I love myself to much to kill it
But, my sadness had been doing that all along

I let the fear hear hit me
To make me all the much stronger
So that the pains consumption
Would take all the much longer

But, I know what to do now.

End it all.

I cried to create the moat.
I lied to myself to build it all up
I ran away to give myself the space
I looked around at my Wall

But, my wall became a prison
I began to forget the light
I had finally accomplished
A way to end my fright

But, in the process
I made it worse
Cause if my wall comes down
I will end up hurt