I Am

We had to write this for school. I forget what kind of poem it is...but the beginning of each sentence was there and we had to write the rest.

I am a good friend and I love Green Day.
I wonder what my life will be like when I'm older.
I hear Green Day songs in my head.
I see myself having fun with my friends.
I am a good friend and I love Green Day.

I pretend that I'm a famous guitar player.
I feel very happy because I have awesome friends.
I touch the sky when I am lost in my own world.
I worry about my friends and family.
I cry when something bad happens to someone I love.
I am a good friend and I love Green Day.

I understand that I will never be as good at playing guitar as Billie Joe Armstrong.
I say that music is my life.
I dream about my future and meeting Green Day.
I try my best in almost everything I do.
I hope that everything will go smoothly this year.
I am a good friend and I love Green Day.