Their Judgment

I have been questioned
What can you not do?
I smile saying I do not know
but if you really want my honest words,


I cannot understand these people
For they praise me for the things that I have done
But once I turn my back, they glare at me
Once they see my work, I am the only one without a comment

I am afraid...

I do not understand...

My parents tell me I'm stupid, crazy
And ask me where my brain had gone
They call me slow
And insult me in more ways than one

But every time they are with their acquaintances
I get nothing but compliments
Over flowing with compliments
How smart and talented I am

Which is a lie?
I do not know
But I just wish to improve myself
I plead to these people to say nothing
For I am confused with their conflicting statements

Leave me be

Do what's good for you and stop judging me.