What would happen if it rained through the summer?

What would you do if it rained through summer?
Where would you ride your bike?
Where would you stand gloating?
If your summer was wet throughout.

How long would it take for you,
To come knocking upon my door?
I’d say about 20 minutes,
Even though you’d argue more.
Face the facts, my dear.
You can’t stand a night without me.

Well, would you call me on the phone?
Yell at me for pointing out the TV screen.
On which was shouting out the forecast,
With a sense of disappointment!

Would you blame me for the missing sun?
Or, the incoming rainclouds!
They had been near shore,
Ever since you left me.

Metaphorically speaking, I’m your shelter.
I’m not trying to confuse you,
But it’s true.
Face the facts, dear.
You don’t know what you’d do,
If it rained throughout summer!