The True Forever

The tears were stinging my eyes, begging me to let them fall.

I shuddered as the sobs came pouring out of my lips.

It's over.

I've had enough.

My heart hurts too much,

i just want it to stop hurting so much.

I put my whole face in my hands, having nowhere else to cry into.

How did I let myself become this way?

What have I done to deserve this?

Life is a curse, a punishment.

Death is the real blessing.


the one thing that is truly forever,

the one thing everyone has in common.

The idea sounds so inviting, an end to absolutely everything.

It sounds so beautiful too,


it rolls of my tongue as if the word was meant for my lips only.

As I peer up, I notice the glint of a knife.

The shine of the magnificent blade, screaming out to me, begging for my touch.

And, that's when I knew.

It was so very smooth, and beautiful.

I never noticed how beautiful.

I gently put the sharp blade over my wrist, and pressed it down.

It pierced through my skin.

I gasped as the sting of cut flesh rang through my veins.

The crimson red blood shining as it poured out of my wrist.

I kept cutting, one line for every person who has left me.

One line for every person that lied to me.

One line for every person that broke their promise.

And, one line for every misuse of the word forever.

I stared at the lines zig-zagging my arm.

There were too many lines, too many people.

The tears started falling again and I let them land on my wrist.

The salty tears stung my cuts even more, making the pain almost unbearable.

But, I knew.

This pain was temporary, the scars will fade, the sting will stop.

But, the scars of a broken heart never fades, the hurt never stops.

I held firmly to the knife as I held it over my chest.

And with one shuddering gasp, I plunged the blade into my heart, stopping the hurt forever.