Look at me.

What's this feeling?
crushing me,
killing me.

My lungs are caving.
What's next?
Why did it do this?

Can't you see?
Don't be selfish,
I'm hurting too.

Look at me.
Listen to me,
can't you see?

Don't you see these tears?
Or are you too busy,
wiping off your own?

I though you cared?
I never stopped caring.
I told you that.

All you do is ignore me.
Selfishness consumes you.
i need you.

Maybe i don't.
Maybe i just think i do.
Maybe you're hurting me worse now.

Maybe i miss you.
I don't want to.
I can't.

What is this feeling?

What's got to me?
Why can't i just grin and bare?
Why did I do this?