My Imaginary Paradise

Stare deep within a soul,
What resides within,
Burning flames of passion,
To execute my every whim,

It's so wonderful,
Forever submerged in ecstasy
I can feel nature's rhythmn,
It now flows freely through my veins,
A life with no boundaries,
I've taken the constricting reins,
To run for endless hours,
It's like a beautiful mirage,
Rows of stunning fragrant flowers,
Waterfalls with so much grace cascading, carelessly over rocks,
There's something else, though,
The peace, my inner peace,
To escape real life's hard knocks,
Wild animal instinct seems to take over,
Retiring to a bed that isn't there,
Rising with a non-existant sun,
To live with that beauty another perfect day
In real life I'm still waiting,
For that one special shot,
Fortune, fame,
My body may soon decay,
With me, old and alone,
But in the place that has become so real,
I'll still be resting on my regal throne.