Jonas Brothers (Yeah I dunno)

As the rain falls,
My heart beats its slow and steady pace,
I listen a song,
It doesn't take long,
And tears start to trickle down my face,
The emotion,
The beauty,
The passion,
The poetry,
Amazing as it could ever be,
Only a band that has brothers of three,
Can ever do this to me,
Their names are beautiful, to all of their fans,
So are their faces, they love to wear Ray-Bans,
I smile when I see them, my heart feels like it will pound out of my chest,
Everytime I see them on YouTube, they perform their absoulute best,
Their songs make me cry,
And I know why,
Therefore I would never take their hearts and put them on a shelf
But that's a secret I'm going to keep to myself...



Okay so this is my 1st Poem I have written in years unless you call Lyrics poems then okay a couple of weeks, I don't generally write this stuff, so be nice I'm not that good. =)