Snow In My Heart

My country has never snowed
not once

My skin has never felt the cold and soft snow
I never got to make a snowman
I never got to make a snow angel
Neither have I had a snowball fight with my friends
Not once

Yet, in my heart I feel the snow fall
It falls so hard
Hard enough for me to get lost
Be confused in all that white snow

To have a hard time to find what you need to find
Or to find the right path to your destination

It's cold and I'm scared
If the snow falls hard
If that snow falls forever
I'm not coming out alive

I would lie down
Cold --
Covered in that soft blanket of cold snow
Hoping for a light to save me

A small bit of light from a house or a cabin
To be saved by my friends or any mere stranger

I need the fire
The fire that will melt away the snow in my heart
And make me see the right path again