Juliets view on her and romeo,in poem form in five parts

The first meeting-
His eyes burn like a thousand suns.His skin as pale as the new winters snow.Oh my heart,is he the one,tell me i must know.Why my heart have you stopped beating,is it a sign,is it true,is he mine all mine?Yes it is,yes its true,hes mine,all mine and i shall not share.Will our lips ever meet like peoples hands do shake,will he make my knees quiver and quake?Our love its such a sin,but god will forgive,for love it can not be a sin,and what we have is love im sure.Oh my romeo,hes so graceful,so pure.I have to have him,i have to be sure.

The first time they kiss

Oh his lips so gentle and so warm.His skin so soft,and his hair so gentle.I could lay with him for hours on end,till the sun rises till night begins.His voice as sweet as honey,his smile like a thousand stars glittering above,Oh my heart its true,hes the only one i love.

The marriage-
Our hands joined in secrecy,my father shall kill me.Im fine with that you see,because romeo,oh he loves me.The hours he spends whispering nothings in my ear,till the moon rises and the sun sets.This just keeps geting better yet.Ill pretend,and he will go along,while the morning doves sing our private song.Our love has fooled our foes,i am at last with my romeo.

Romeo,oh my love.I gave it to you,i gave you it all.I shall lay in your arms till the sun sets and night falls.Your fingers play with my long brown hair,i take in the scent of your skin.Romeo oh romeo,how i loved you when you were with in me.Your wrap your arms around me tightly.You say good night,and then i sleep and you do to,praying to the lord our souls to keep,if we die before we wake.Romeo,my love i am yours for ever.

Death till they part-
Death do we part,we said i do,and my dearest romeo i do love you.Death came quickly for you,and so it shall for me.While we sleep our eternal slumber we can be bothered no more.
I kiss your warms lips in hopes for one last venomous drop,but you drank it all and left none.Romeo,my sweet romeo your generous beating heart has stopped,and so shall mine.I want to be with you till the end of time.So i take this blade and stab it through my heart.The beating has stopped,and .I have no breath,my darling i've joined you in you eternal rest.I can see you,i reach out and touch you,you grab my hand.Now were together,now and for ever.