Heart-Shaped Glasses

A young out of lessoned girl twirled around the Luxury,
Spinning, humming a fateful tune, her eye’s closed,
Allowing her spirit to guide her through the dimmed lighted room.

Near the windowsill a record player was playing,
Identical to the humming tune from the girl.
A stained window showing the storm rolling in,
Bolts of light flashed pass the window.

The dimmed lights abruptly faded,
The shadows overtook the light finally giving up.

Another flash lightened the dark a bit.
A dark wooden door was seen as the flash appeared.
Engravings on the cold icy surface.

The girl walked slowly towards it,
Where her memory would guide.
Walking letting her hands guide her way towards the locked door.

Lifting her white pale hands towards the icy golden knob.
Grasping the gold as if a life string, turning the gold.
Her body shaking from what lies behind the shadows.

The wood giving the struggle up finally opening,
Giving a groan of dissatisfaction of revealing it’s treasure.
A faint blue glow enveloped the entrance.
Her shadowy silhouette appeared.

Her youthful body turning into a aged curse.
Shelves after shelves were positioned with faint glowing orbs.

Cobwebs filled the shelves as of dust ,
Seeing someone has bee procrastinating.
Perching her hand closely trying to grab a orb.
The orb’s slowly fading from their glow.

Touching the cold surface of these orbs,
Sending a chill through the woman’s body.
Her fragile sing shaking, seeming to shatter like glass.

“This…heart made of glass?”
She abruptly looked the other direction.
“My dreams are fading…withering into dust…”