He Killed Me

He Killed Me

He was the best
The way he made me happy
Just by holding my hand
His smile brighten my dark world
He made me laugh all the time
Our first kiss made me realize something
He was the guy for me
I wanted to be with him forever
He told me that he loved me
And I told him too
Everything seemed perfect
Nothing could make me sad
He was the only person
That could make me like this
We went to parties together
People told us we looked cute
We looked good with each other
He always got me a drink
I will never understand
Why it took him so long
Then I saw him with her
His lips touching my best friends
Drops fell from my eyes
He saw me run away
But he didn't stop me
I ran and ran and ran
Tears blurred my vision
I fell on an empty street
My knee hurt and I couldn't move
The street was emtpy no more
In a blink of an eye it was over
With no pain or suffering
No one saw me lying there
Covered in blood and tears
I only blamed one person
For tearing my heart in half
If he would of stopped me
Nothing would of happened
I would still be here
The guy I loved ruined me
He killed me