A Geometry Crush

I know it's silly, but it's also true
I think I just might be in love with you
You're just like the others, oh so hard to read
But you've planted your face in my mind like a seed

What makes you so different from the others, you wonder
I take a few minutes to rack my brain, and ponder...

When you look at me I feel my heart thump a small thoom
It feels like we are the only ones in the room
Although I have little to no self esteem
It seems like you, of all people, are on the same team

You surround yourself in friends, laugh it up and be happy
In your eyes I can see that you'd rather be sappy
They say opposites attract, you are loud, I am mute
And it doesn't hurt at all that you're really quite cute

When you ask me for help on your homework and stuff
You treat me like a person, and for me that's enough
Who could forget when you proposed to me in 8th hour
Sorry to say no, I wasn't trying to be sour

Long before you had even got down on one knee
I was crushing and crushing on you, don't you see?
Under different circumstances, when a joke, it was not
A happy older me as a wife you would have got

That's how you are different, but just like the rest
You will never know of my love, and to me, that seems best.