Suicidal Butterfly

Put the love in writing but who are you writing for?
Would it be the razor on the bathroom floor?
Wear your heart on your sleeve but it's cold and black,
Lead away the words but the scars can't be taken back.
Thank all the smiling youths that you'll never meet,
You can't travel very far with those cold feet.
Promise you'll never harm again, is it us or you?
Blood must look so good, but then what do you do?

Notebooks full of poems so you may see right,
The only thing you see is a bleak bathroom light.
Slitting is your anti-drug for when you're going under.
All our eyes are blazing, scars that seem of wonder.
Time is always wasted but is it wasted well?
The sky is brighter now but you can't really tell.
Darkest fears played like a lullaby,
Play with us, we just want to know why.

Death is a dream for you while you breath,
Bring on the parade, watch you while you sleep.
Huddle lower in the pool of yourself,
Waiting for the not-earned help.
Dusty daze welcomes today,
Watch the stars all flood away,
Curl and fold and sleep and die,
Only to return a suicidal butterfly.