Take me when you need me

Back off,
I need some space
Back off,
I need to breathe.

You're too close,
I am suffocating
You're to close,
Get away from me.

Stay away,
I need time to think.
Stay away,
I have to take my time before I agree.

Stop it.
Quit pressuring me.
Stop it,
Shut up, and quit following me!

I hate you.
So very much.
I don't want to be near you.
You've hurt me enough.

I loathe you.
Can't you see?
You hurt me bad already, aren't you happy?
I gave you my trust, the bit I had.
I thought I could trust you,
But turns out that I really can't.

Hush. Don't make a small sounds.
Don't cry on me, I won't be around.
Hush, it's okay. fine, I'm here.


It's alright now.
You won't shed a tear.
Goodbye my love,
See you in hell.
♠ ♠ ♠
The "splat" part is when the person killed the the Evil Human.