Buried Beyond My Heart

Hidden for so long,
To be found is to be lost.
Alone and terrified,
I built a never-ending wall.
I prayed no one could find me,
I prayed no one would know.

I covered the ditch behind my wall,
Hiding the tunnel to my heart.
Alone and terrified,
I buried myself alive.
I wondered if anyone would notice.
I wondered if anyone would care.

It’s been so long
I’ve been buried in my ditch,
Alone and terrified,
Longing to be free,
Hoping I would survive,
Hoping I would find courage.

I feel the walls crashing
Around my hidden tomb,
Alone and terrified,
I grew silent.
I prayed no one could find me,
I prayed no one would know.

But the shovels clanked on my grave,
And a voice called out to me,
No longer alone and terrified,
I began to cry out.
Please somebody find me,
Please somebody save me.

The lid to my coffin is pulled back
And your smiling face greets me
I’m not alone and I’m not afraid,
Even as the memories of who I once was flood my mind.
I have survived,
I made it out alive.

The dirt is dusted off
And I feel the old familiar glow,
Your comforting arms pull me close,
I’m alive in your eyes.
I’m free at last,
I’m awake once more.