Gone Postal

Gone Postal

From slow to fast breathing, and the unsteady pace of my heart.
Gives me away to you, I was killed off from the start
of this storybook tale that’s ripped us apart,
I think I’ve gone postal.

I can’t make the clouds look like what I want myself to believe.
In this world of unsteady truth and lies it’s so easy to be deceived,
Oh, can’t you understand, why I never show that I bleed.
It’s because I’ve gone postal.

A straightjacket of memories, and a muzzle of lies,
It’s what’s forced on my person, in the midst of tonight.
If I told you that I had traded my cross for a chance to dine,
It would be because I’ve gone postal.

I could never show you who I could be,
Not because you didn’t let me,
It’s not your fault, It’s all my fault.
The one special fault,

Of me going postal.