I'm Just ...

if i were successful, published, more creative or artistically talented ...
i wouldn't have had to backspace to correct "artisticallt."
if my friends knew what it felt like to be me, to live my life,
maybe they'd all say what he says about me.
if i believed what he said about me, believed i was a superhero,
i would be able to finish this sentence, this line.
i don't believe i'm all that he says. but what i believe,
what i agree with him on, is my attitude towards life
is the attitude to have. maybe not for everybody, or all
people, but for me, it works. i can take life, i can take what
God, or whatever higher power i look up to at the moment,
throws at me. it wrenches me to see friends, family,
going through something horrible. it hurts me just as much
as it hurts them, pretentious as that sounds, awful and conceited
as it is. because their pain is my pain, their hell is my own.
i'm just a teenager. i watch cartoons, skip class, (don't tell
my mom) and laugh at 'that's what she said' jokes.
i write poor attempts at poetry and stories. i like to think,
sometimes, that i'll get somewhere with my writing.
but that's just a faraway dream for me, to be an author.

i'm just a superhero.