If My Eyes Deceive Me

Just because I tease you, doesn't mean I hate you
Just because I say that I hate you, doesn't mean that I don't like you
Just because I look like I don't care, doesn't mean that you mean nothing
And just because I say things like "fuck you", "you ass", "bitch!" and the likes
Doesn't mean that I meant them

I can say these things
These stupid, funny,
yet hard to understand things because,
I'm comfortable
To talk to you without fright or shame

I know you'll always be there
Even if I talk like this

You're there
And I believe you'll always be

If my eyes are deceiving me
I hope they will lie to me longer

For me to have the fantasy that you'll always be there

It's the greatest thing in the world

To stay like this

Forever. . .