You Have Saved Me

In this pitch black world of mine
I cried on my knees
Not moving a single inch

In this pitch black world of mine
I was quivering
I was alone
I was scared

In this pitch black world of mine
I could not see a single thing
My world, it was empty
I couldn't see what was in front of me
I was afraid to move on

In this pitch black world of mine
A warm hand
A hand that I could not see
Reached out to me
The owner of this mysterious hand told me what I must do

I did as the stranger had told me
The stranger held my hand till I saw a bit of light
With a warm voice
"Goodbye" were his last words
And with his big hands he pushed me towards the light

Since then, the stranger was gone

In that pitch black world of mine
That mysterious hand was no more

That stranger will forever be gone

I remind myself of those days
As His big, warm hands hold mine
Oh, how I wish to relive those days over and over again

But, I would never exchange this moment of my life
For something as insignificant as that

When that stranger
Turned into someone whose much much more than a stranger . . .