Trying To Forget You.

I try to forget your words...
I try to forget the way you make me feel...
I try to forget the way you smile...
I try to forget the way your voice sounds...
I try to forget the way your lips felt pressed aginst mine...
I try to forget the warm embrace in your arms....
I try to forget the way you would look at me...
I try to forget the way you made my heart beat...
I try to forget you even when my heart spills over with sorrow...
But I can't forget you...
Because I love you...
My heart won't allow me to forget about you...
Even when it kills me...
I should forget about you but I simple just can't when my heart is the one that doesn't want to forget about you.
I see where my hearts true loyality is too...
Its not to me but to you....