A Fallen Heart

wounded in combat, laying alone
those words ended your life cut you to the bone

your sun has set
it may never rise

you may never recover
from all the lies

his fingers shake with the weight of his guilt
he now sees what he has done to make you wilt

but it is too late now he cannot turn this around
you no longer share common ground

souls are torn from one another
never to recover

this life is unfair
and maybe it really is too much to bear

but you could make it through
if you wanted to

too bad you'd rather not try
you think your life is one big lie

too bad you're wrong
and it won't be long



you step off the chair
you breathe in fresh air

it may be your last breath
for this must be certain death

when the rope loses its slack
everything will go black

because of a lie
you became too shy
to face a new love
ever again

now never to see the sun
you shall run...

through your regrets and heart breaks
trapped in your own haunted mind

you wander, a stranger to feelings, to life and to love
a spirit, tourchered above

... a spirit with a fallen heart, lost in the battle of love