Set Me on Fire, Mr. Torch

Disclaimer: Even though this is my poem, I based it somewhat off a fanfic I want to write for Fantastic Four 1 & 2. I haven’t written it yet since idk if anyone will read it, but I have a plot idea for it and a few events. It’s kinda crappy since I suck at poems, but I thought it one day and wrote it down.

The girl that is saying the poem if a girl that is in love with Johnny, and also implies that he loves her back. Even though Johnny is cocky and self-centered, it doesn’t mean that he cannot love one single person.

“Set Me on Fire” by Gina Oliva

Fire is red,
Water is blue,
We are completely different,
Me and you.
You’re self-centered and arrogant,
I’m quiet and intelligent.
You embrace all your fans,
I just try to catch a glance.
You’re the beat of my heart,
Even when we’re apart.

When you’re lighting up the sky,
I’m just waiting and standing by.
After everything is done and you save the day,
You always fly back to me to stay.
In your warm hugs, I sit,
Feeling my whole body being lit.

You set me on fire, Mr. Torch.
You make my heart burn,
And my skins scorch.
With one touch,
I feel my body burning for the rest of you.
Even without your cocky grin,
Your voice,
And your skin.
I still want you to set me aflame,
So there can be no more shame.

You set me on fire, Mr. Torch,
And there isn’t any water to put me out.